August 3, 2010

Reusable Mop Pads

My biggest seller in the past has been my reusable mop pads (that fit on Swiffer mops), but I've been pretty lazy lately with posting more of them.  

Well, last night I got more up in the shop! 


I still have two more to get pictures of though, so there will be more coming as well.  I like these guys, but they're a little tedious to make.  They take me about an hour to finish, so I feel a little odd selling them as cheaply as I do.  But on the other hand, I wouldn't want to raise the price, either, because $8 is about the limit of what I would pay for them.  Nevermind that I'm a cheapskate.


Beth Howard said...

I can definitely see why they're so popular! You might be able to get away with $10 if you emphasize in your listing how much the refills you buy cost and thus how much folks would save over time :D

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